Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W Episode 12 References

This is the shirt that Cthuko is wearing.

The text written on it reads, "Hitsuyou Aku" (必要悪), which translates to "Necessary Evil". This shirt is referencing a shirt with the same text written on it that is worn by Futaba Anzu (双葉杏) from "THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS" (アイドルマスター シンデレラガールズ), a video game released in 2011. Images for reference:

Source of image: https://starlight.kirara.ca/card/100315
On a related note, Cthuko's name is written as 「クー子」 (Kuuko) in Japanese. The first character of her name, 「ク」, is written on the bottom left corner of her shirt. This is referencing how on Anzu's shirt, the character for her first name, 「杏」, is written on the bottom right corner of her shirt.
"I can obtain stuff like X Rare unknown raw materials!" (2:42)
"Ekusu rea" (Xレア), "X Rare", is a rarity level for cards in Battle Spirits (バトルスピリッツ), a Japanese trading card game that began release in 2008.S4

"Gin no kagi" (銀の鍵), "silver key", is referencing the silver key that appears in "The Silver Key", a short story written by H. P. Lovecraft and first published in 1929.S3
"The Dreamland is a world that exists in dreams." (4:31)
"Genmukyou" (幻夢境), "Dreamland", is referencing the Dreamland, a fictional location in the Cthulhu Mythos that humans can enter when they fall asleep.
"There is our destination, the onyx castle." (5:38)
"Shimamenou no shiro" (縞瑪瑙の城), "onyx castle", is referencing "The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath", a story written by H. P. Lovecraft and first published in 1943. In the story, it is stated that the Great Ones, a species of creature in the Cthulhu Mythos, are said to dwell in an "onyx castle".

The title of this episode is "Sayounara Nyaruko-san W" (さようならニャル子さんW), which translates to "Goodbye Nyaruko-san W". This is a referencing a chapter title from volume 6 of "Doraemon" (ドラえもん), a manga series written by Fujiko F. Fujio (藤子・F・不二雄) and published from 1969 to 1996. The chapter is titled "Sayounara, Doraemon" (さようなら、ドラえもん), which translates to "Goodbye, Doraemon". Image for reference:

There are two references here:
* Baasuto (バースト), Bast, is a goddess in the Cthulhu Mythos that is mentioned in "Mysteries of the Worm", a book written by Robert Bloch and published in 1993. In the book, it is stated, "Bubastis, or Bast, was the cat-goddess of Egypt during the days of the Pharaohs."
* Nutosu Kaanburu (ヌトス=カアンブル), N'tse-Kaambl, is a goddess in the Cthulhu Mythos that is mentioned in "House of the Worm", a book written by Gary Myers and published in 1975.

The appearance of the book that appears here is referencing a book that appears in episode 1 of "Mobile Suit Gundam" (機動戦士ガンダム), an anime series that aired from 1979 to 1980.S2 The book contains data regarding "V Sakusen" (V作戦), "Operation V", an operation in which the Earth Federation developed new weapons to use against the Principality of Zeon. One of the weapons created is the RX-78-2 Gundam. The main character of the series, Amuro Ray (アムロ・レイ), finds the book and learns how to operate the Gundam from reading the book. Image for reference:

"This contains the specifications for the new unit RX-02, Foreign God." (6:41)
There are two references here:
* "RX zero ni gouki" (RX-02号機), "unit RX-02", is referencing RX-0 Unicorn Gundam 02 BANSHEE (ユニコーンガンダム2号機「バンシィ」) from "Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn" (機動戦士ガンダムUC), a light novel series written by Fukui Harutoshi (福井晴敏) and published from 2007 to 2009.S1 In the series, the Banshee is a mobile suit. Its model number is RX-0, and it is unit 2 of that model type, the first being Unicorn Gundam (ユニコーンガンダム).
* "Banshin" (蕃神(バンシン)), here translated as "Foreign God", is a pun on "banshii" (バンシィ), "Banshee". This is referencing the above mentioned RX-0 Unicorn Gundam 02 BANSHEE (ユニコーンガンダム2号機「バンシィ」).
The line at this time goes as follows:
「コンセプトは、闇に群れる邪神を、一撃の光で痺れるほど豪快にゲットイットダウン。」This is referencing lines in the lyrics to "Paireetsu Gaaruzu" (パイレーツ・ガールズ), "Pirate Girls", a song sung by Gojou Mayumi (五條真由美) and Sister MAYO of Project.R and released in 2011. This song is a background song used in "Kaizoku Sentai Gookaijaa" (海賊戦隊ゴーカイジャー), "Pirate Squadron Gokaiger", a Japanese TV show about a squadron of costumed super heroes that aired from 2011 to 2012.S2 The original lines go as follows:
"Konseputo ha, yami ni mureru jashin wo, ichigeki no hikari de shibireru hodo goukai ni getto itto daun."
"The concept is, strike at the evil gods that swarm in the darkness, with a blast of light that stuns, heroically get it down."
「一撃の光で ホラしびれるでしょ」
「ゴーカイにGet it down」
"Yami ni mureru jaaku tachi wo"
"Ichigeki no hikari de hora shibireru desho"
"Gookai ni Get it down"
"Strike at the evil ones that swarm in the darkness"
"With a blast of light. Stunning isn't it?"
"Heroically Get it down"
"It's a Full Septuagint Silver Frame that uses Septuagint Silver in the entire body." (6:52)
"Seputagin" (セプタ銀), here translated as "Septuagint Silver", is a pun on "Seputagin" (セプタギン). The "gin" (ギン) in "Seputagin" (セプタギン) has the same pronunciation as "gin" (銀) which means "silver" in Japanese. There are three references here:
* "Seputagin" (セプタギン), "Septuagint", is the name of a Greek translation of the Old Testament from the original Hebrew Bible. The word "septuagint" itself derives from "septuaginta", which means "seventy" in Latin, and is an abbreviation of the phrase "versio septuaginta interpretum", which means "translation of the seventy interpreters". This name is referencing the number of scholars who were said to have worked on producing this translation.
* "Seputagin" (セプタギン), "Septuagint", is the name of the last boss in "Super Robot Wars: Original Generation" (スーパーロボット大戦ORIGINAL GENERATION), a video game released by Banpresto (バンプレスト) in 2002.S4
* "Furu Seputagin Fureemu" (フルセプタ銀フレーム), "Full Septuagint Silver Frame", is referencing "Saiko Fureemu" (サイコフレーム), "Psycho Frame", a type of technology that appears in "Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack" (機動戦士ガンダム 逆襲のシャア), a movie released in 1988.S4 The technology involves installing special computer chips into the frame of a mobile suit, a humanoid combat vehicle, in order to improve the suit's combat capabilities. Later, the technology appears in "Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn" (機動戦士ガンダムUC), a light novel series written by Fukui Harutoshi (福井晴敏) and published from 2007 to 2009. In the series, a mobile suit known as Unicorn Gundam is the first mobile suit that contains Psycho Frame technology in its entire frame, and it is referred to as "Furu Saiko Fureemu Ki" (フル・サイコフレーム機), "Full Psycho Frame Machine". Additionally, there is a mobile suit known as Unicorn Gundam 02 BANSHEE that is also a "Full Psycho Frame Machine".S4
"Thank you for coming. I welcome you all." (7:38)
The Japanese line is, "Yoku kita. Watashi ha kimi tachi wo kangei suru" (よく来た。私は君たちを歓迎する). This is referencing a line said by Paptimus Scirocco (パプテマス・シロッコ) in "MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM EXTREME VERSUS" (機動戦士ガンダム エクストリームバーサス), a video game released in 2010.S2 His line goes, "Yoku kita, watashi ha kimi wo kangei suru" (よく来た、私は君を歓迎する), which translates to "Thank you for coming, I welcome you". On a related note, the voice actor who voices Scirocco, Shimada Bin (島田敏), also voices Nodens.

This character is Noodensu (ノーデンス), Nodens. He is based on Nodens, a creature classified as an Elder God in the Cthulhu Mythos who appears as an elderly man with gray hair. In "The Strange High House in the Mist", a short story written by H. P. Lovecraft and first published in 1931, Nodens is described as follows:
"... upon dolphins' backs was balanced a vast crenulate shell wherein rode the grey and awful form of primal Nodens, Lord of the Great Abyss. ... Then hoary Nodens reached forth a wizened hand and helped Olney and his host into the vast shell."In addition, the black, winged creatures that appear in this scene are Nightgaunts, creatures that appear in the Cthulhu Mythos. In "The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath", a story written by H. P. Lovecraft and first published in 1943, it is stated that the Nightgaunts "bow only to potent and archaic Nodens."
"People often say that they hear my voice in various places." (7:58)
The Japanese line is "Yoku iwaremasu kara na. Iroiro na tokoro de kiku koe da to ha" (よく言われますからな。いろいろなところで聞く声だとは). This is referencing a line said by Nodens in "Dorama CD Haiyore! Nyaruko-san EX ~Doriimii Doriimaa~" (ドラマCD 這いよれ!ニャル子さんEX ~ドリーミー・ドリーマー~), "Drama CD Crawl! Nyaruko EX ~Dreamy Dreamer~", a drama CD of "Haiyore! Nyaruko-san" released in 2010.S2 In this drama CD, Nodens is voiced by Shimada Bin (島田敏), who also voices Nodens in the anime adaptations of "Haiyore! Nyaruko-san". Nyaruko and company encounter Nodens working at a hot spring. This Nodens has the same appearance and voice as the Nodens that attempted to kidnap Mahiro. As a result, Mahiro thinks this Nodens is the prior Nodens attempting to kidnap him again. After Mahiro apologizes for the confusion, Nodens says, "Yoroshii no desu yo. Yoku iwaremasu kara na. Iroiro na bangumi de kiku koe da to ha" (よろしいのですよ。よく言われますからな。いろいろな番組で聞く声だとは), which translates to "It's quite all right. People often say that they hear my voice on various programs".
"Wh, What is this pressure?!" (8:13)
The Japanese line is "Ko, Kono puresshaa ha nan da?!" (こ、このプレッシャーは何だ?!). This is referencing a line said by Paptimus Scirocco (パプテマス・シロッコ) in episode 11 of "Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam" (機動戦士Ζガンダム), an anime series that aired from 1985 to 1986.S1 His line goes, "Kono puressha! Nan da?!" (このプレッシャー!何だ?!), which translates to "What is this pressure?!". On a related note, the voice actor who voices Scirocco, Shimada Bin (島田敏), also voices Nodens.S2
"There is a distinguished family of foreign god smiths that is famous in space. The current head of that family finally completed it, the HPL System, also known as the H Builder!" (8:25)
There are four references here:
* HPL is referencing Howard Phillips Lovecraft, an American author of horror, fantasy, science fiction, and weird fiction. His works led to the creation of the Cthulhu Mythos that "Haiyore! Nyaruko-san" is based on.
* "Eichi Pii Eru Shisutemu" (HPLシステム), "HPL System", is referencing "Eiji Shisutemu" (AGEシステム), "AGE System", from "Mobile Suit Gundam AGE" (機動戦士ガンダムAGE), an anime series that aired from 2011 to 2012.S2 In the series, the AGE System is an operating system that controls Gundam AGE, the main mobile suit of the series.
* "Eichi Birudaa" (エイチビルダー), "H Builder", is referencing "Eiji Birudaa" (AGEビルダー), "AGE Builder", from "Mobile Suit Gundam AGE" (機動戦士ガンダムAGE). The AGE Builder is a machine that builds parts and equipment for AGE Gundam.
* "Banshin kaji" (蕃神鍛冶), "foreign god smith", is referencing "Mobile Suit Gundam AGE" (機動戦士ガンダムAGE).S2 In the series, there is a term called "MS kaji" (MS鍛冶), "MS smith", which is short for "mobiru suutsu kaji" (モビルスーツかじ), "mobile suit smith". This term is used to refer to an engineer that specializes in building mobile suits. In the series, there is a family of mobile suit smiths called "Asuno Ke" (アスノ家), "Asuno Family". The Asuno Family created the AGE System and the AGE Builder.
"That system completed it for us in one night." (8:43)
The Japanese line is "Sono shisutemu ga, hitoban de yatte kuremashita" (そのシステムが一晩でやってくれました). This is referencing a line said by Near (ニア) in chapter 103 in volume 12 of "DEATH NOTE" (デスノート), a manga series written by Ooba Tsugumi (大場つぐみ) and published from 2003 to 2006.S2 His line goes, "Jebanni ga hitoban de yatte kuremashita" (ジェバンニが一晩でやってくれました), which translates to "Gevanni completed it for us in one night".

"The world has always been run by a handful of geniuses." (8:50)
The Japanese line is "Tsune ni yo no naka wo ugokashite kita no ha, hitonigiri no tensai na no desu yo" (常に世の中を動かしてきたのは、一握りの天才なのですよ). This is referencing a line said by Paptimus Scirocco (パプテマス・シロッコ) in episode 50 of "Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam" (機動戦士Ζガンダム).S1 His line goes, "Tsune ni yo no naka wo ugokashite kita no ha, hitonigiri no tensai da!" (常に世の中を動かしてきたのは、一握りの天才だ!), which translates to "The world has always been run by a handful of geniuses!". Like mentioned before, the voice actor who voices Scirocco, Shimada Bin (島田敏), also voices Nodens.
"When he says it, somehow it feels really persuasive! It's like he returned from Jupiter!" (8:55)
This line is referencing Paptimus Scirocco (パプテマス・シロッコ) from "Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam" (機動戦士Ζガンダム).S2
* In the series, Scirocco has great charisma and is able to pursuade people to join his cause.
* The phrase "Mokuseigaeri" (木星帰り), "returned from Jupiter", is referencing how Scirocco is known as "Mokuseigaeri no otoko" (木星帰りの男), which translates to "man who returned from Jupiter". Like mentioned before, the voice actor who voices Scirocco, Shimada Bin (島田敏), also voices Nodens.

"I am, we are, Cthulhu!" (10:33)
There are three references here:
* The Japanese line is "Watashi ga, watashi tachi ga, Kutouruu desu!" (私が、私たちが、クトゥルーです!). This is referencing a line said by Setsuna F Seiei (刹那・F・セイエイ) in episode 25 of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00" (機動戦士ガンダム00), an anime series that aired from 2007 to 2008.S2 His line goes, "Ore ga, ore tachi ga, gandamu da!" (俺が、俺たちが、ガンダムだ!), which translates to "I am, we are, Gundam!".
* This is referencing the cover art of "Mikan Shoujo Ravukurafuto" (未完少女ラヴクラフト), "Unfinished Girl Lovecraft", a light novel written by Kuro Shirou (黒史郎) and published in 2013.S2 Image for reference:

Source of image: http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B00BG3ZP9G
* This is referencing the cover art of "Ravukurafuto Zenshuu" (ラヴクラフト全集), "The Complete Works of Lovecraft", a series of books that contain the works of H. P. Lovecraft translated into Japanese.S2 Image for reference:

Source of image: http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B007TAKIOW
"Let's conduct a performance test in the frozen wasteland." (11:02)
"Itetsuku kouya" (凍てつく荒野), "frozen wasteland", is referencing Kadath from the Cthulhu Mythos.S3 Kadath is a mountain located in a frozen wasteland in the Dreamland. The onyx castle of the Great Ones is located at the peak of Kadath. In several of H. P. Lovecraft's works, Kadath is referred to as "Kadath in the cold waste". In Japanese, Kadath is referred to as "itetsuku kouya no kadasu" (凍てつく荒野のカダス), which translates to "Kadath of the frozen wasteland".
"Hurry! I am merely a witness to history!" (11:19)
The Japanese line is "Isoge! Watashi ha rekishi no tachiainin ni sugin!" (急げ!私は歴史の立会人に過ぎん!). This is referencing a line said by Paptimus Scirocco (パプテマス・シロッコ) in episode 50 of "Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam" (機動戦士Ζガンダム).S2 His line goes, "Watashi ha rekishi no tachiainin ni sugin kara, sou mo mieru ga" (私は歴史の立会人にすぎんから、そうも見えるが), which translates to "Because I am merely a witness to history, I may appear that way". Like mentioned before, the voice actor who voices Scirocco, Shimada Bin (島田敏), also voices Nodens.
"Spicule that doesn't even leave ash behind." (12:46)
There are two references here:
* "Supikyuuru" (スピキュール), "Spicule", is the name of an attack used by Mikaeru (ミカエル) in "Star Ocean: The Second Story" (スターオーシャン セカンドストーリー), a video game developed by tri-Ace (トライエース) and published by Enix (エニックス) in 1998. Image for reference:

Source of image: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rk0fNi0Oxo
* In solar physics, "spicule" is a term that refers to a stream of superheated gas that manifests on the Sun.
"She asked me to accompany her to the pure adult's meeting place to heal her wounded heart." (13:23)
"Pyua na otona no shakouba" (ピュアな大人の社交場), "pure adult's meeting place", is referencing "Doriimu Kurabu" (ドリームクラブ), "Dream Club", a video game released in 2009. On the official website for this game, the following is stated:
「当店は、ピュアな心の持ち主だけが入店できる会員制のお店です。」Image for reference:
"Touten ha, pyua na kokoro no mochinushi dake ga nyuuten dekiru kaiinsei no omise desu."
"Only those possessing pure hearts can become members of this establishment."

Source of image: http://www.d3p.co.jp/dreamclub_first/
"Let's go to the Dreamland Club! But I won't chose the inventor girl that speaks in the Kyoto dialect!" (13:31)
There are two references here:
* "Doriimurando no Kurabu" (ドリームランドのクラブ), "Dreamland Club", is referencing "Doriimu Kurabu" (ドリームクラブ), "Dream Club".
* "Kyouto ben de hatsumeika no ko" (京都弁で発明家の子), "inventor girl that speaks in the Kyoto dialect", is referencing Mio (みお) from "Dream Club".S2 Mio is one of the hostesses that works at the Dream Club and is an inventor who speaks in the Kyoto dialect. On a related note, Mio is voiced by Kitamura Eri (喜多村英梨), the voice actor who voices Mahiro.

"Arm yourself, and say the finishing line, 'Spew your guts!'" (13:47)
There are four references here:
* "Busou shite" (武装して), "Arm yourself", is referencing "Busou Renkin" (武装錬金), "Arms Alchemy", a manga series written by Watsuki Nobuhiro (和月伸宏) and published from 2003 to 2006.
* "Harawata wo buchimakero!" (腸をぶちまけろ!), "Spew your guts!", is referencing a line said by Tsumura Tokiko (津村斗貴子) in "Busou Renkin". Her line goes, "Zoumotsu wo buchimakero!" (臓物をブチ撒けろ!), which translates to "Spew your guts!". Image for reference:

* On Cthune's face there is a scar over her nose. This is referencing the same scar present on Tsumura Tokiko's face.
* An anime adaptation of "Busou Renkin" aired from 2006 to 2007. In this anime adaptation, Tsumura Tokiko is voiced by Yuzuki Ryouka (柚木涼香), who also voices Cthune.S2 On a related note, this anime adaptation was animated by Xebec (ジーベック), the same studio that animated "Haiyore! Nyaruko-san" and "Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W".

"Now, it's showtime!" (14:00)
The Japanese line is "Saa, shootaimu desu!" (さぁ、ショータイムです!). This is referencing a catch phrase said by Kamen Rider Wizard in "Kamen Rider Wizard" (仮面ライダーウィザード), a Japanese TV show about a masked super hero that aired from 2012 and is currently ongoing. His line goes, "Saa, shootaimu da!" (さぁ、ショータイムだ!), which has the same meaning as above. In addition, Nyaruko's pose is also referencing the pose done by Kamen Rider Wizard when he says this catch phrase. Furthermore, this is the ring that Nyaruko is wearing on her left hand.

The ring resembles the helmet of Nyaruko's Full Force Form. This is referencing Kamen Rider Wizard, who wears a ring that resembles his mask on his left hand. Image for reference:

Nyaruko is also wearing a ring on her right hand. There are two references here:
* This is referencing Kamen Rider Wizard from "Kamen Rider Wizard" (仮面ライダーウィザード). Kamen Rider Wizard wears a ring on both his right and left hands.
* This is the ring that Nyaruko is wearing on her right hand.

The design on the ring seems to resemble the seal of Nyarlathotep that appears on page 105 of "Necronomicon: The Wanderings of Alhazred", a real book written by Donald Tyson and published in 2004. Image for reference:

"This will settle it!" (14:02)
The Japanese line is "Kore de kimari da yo!" (これで決まりだよ!). This is referencing a catch phrase said by Kamen Rider W in "Kamen Rider W" (仮面ライダーW), a Japanese TV show about a masked super hero that aired from 2009 to 2010.S2 His line goes, "Kore de kimari da!" (これで決まりだ!), which has the same meaning as above.
"Let's go Kiva!" (14:05)
The Japanese line is "Kiba tte iku!" (キバって行く!). This is referencing a catch phrase said by Kibatto Batto Sansei (キバットバットIII世), Kivat Bat the Third, in "Kamen Rider Kiva" (仮面ライダーキバ), a Japanese TV show about a masked super hero that aired from 2008 to 2009.S2 His line goes, "Kiba tte iku ze!" (キバって行くぜ!), which has the same meaning as above.
"Take that, you fiend!" (14:15)
This is the name of a magic spell in "Tunnels & Trolls" (トンネルズ&トロールズ), a tabletop role playing game first published in 1975 by Flying Buffalo (フライング・バッファロー). List of spells from "Tunnels & Trolls" 5th Edition rule book for reference.

The device that Nodens is holding bears great resemblance to a PlayStation DualShock controller, a video game controller developed by Sony Interactive Entertainment (ソニー・インタラクティブエンタテインメント) for use with their video game consoles starting from 1997. Image for reference:

Source of image: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:DualShock_3.jpg
This reference is made clear on page 100 of volume 11 of the "Haiyore! Nyaruko-san" light novel series.S4 The narration goes as follows:
"What Nodens pulled out was, a small device with a display screen attached to it, that resembled a controller for a video game console. It has a four-way directional pad, a start button, and a select button. Additionally, there are four buttons with 〇, ✕, △, ☐ carved on them, and there are L and R buttons with two of each. Also there are two analog sticks sticking out. It perfectly resembled a design seen somewhere before. A lawsuit seems winnable."
"Doing it according to the manual is something a fool would say!" (15:24)
The Japanese line is "Manyuaru doori yatteimasu to iu no ha, aho no iu koto desu yo!" (マニュアル通りやっていますと言うのは、アホの言う事ですよ!). This is referencing a line said by Gym Ghingham (ギム・ギンガナム) in episode 49 of "Turn A Gundam" (∀ガンダム), an anime series that aired from 1999 to 2000.S2 His line goes, "Mattaku. Manyuaru doori ni yatteimasu to iu no ha, aho no iu koto da!" (まったく。マニュアル通りにやっていますというのは、アホの言うことだ!), which translates to "Good grief. Doing it according to the manual is something a fool would say!".
"Foreign God! Move! Foreign God! Why won't you move as I say?!" (15:36)
The Japanese line is "Banshin! Ugoke! Banshin! Naze iu toori ugokan?!" (蕃神!動け!蕃神!なぜ言うとおり動かん?!). This is referencing a line said by Paptimus Scirocco (パプテマス・シロッコ) in episode 50 of "Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam" (機動戦士Ζガンダム). His line goes, "Ji O! Ugoke! Ji O! Naze ugokan?!" (ジ・オ!動け!ジ・オ!なぜ動かん?!), which translates to "The O! Move! The O! Why won't you move?!". Like mentioned before, the voice actor who voices Scirocco, Shimada Bin (島田敏), also voices Nodens.
"Seiya!" (15:40)
This is a repeat of a reference in episode 9 at 4:46. This phrase doesn't have any specific meaning, but rather it's a sound made when exerting effort. This phrase is often said by Kamen Rider OOO when he performs a finishing technique in "Kamen Rider OOO" (仮面ライダーオーズ), a Japanese TV show about a masked super hero that aired from 2010 to 2011.
"I will dele, delete." (15:42)
The Japanese line is "Deri, deriito suru" (デリ、デリートスル). This is referencing a line said by Gabriel (ガブリエル) in "Star Ocean: The Second Story" (スターオーシャン セカンドストーリー), a video game developed by tri-Ace (トライエース) and published by Enix (エニックス) in 1998.S5 At the beginning of the battle with Gabriel, he will sometimes say "Deriito suru" (デリートする), which translates to "I will delete". However, due to a bug, often his voice line will be repeated randomly, which can interrupt his already playing voice line. This can result in him saying "Deri deriito suru" (デリ デリートする). Video for reference: https://youtu.be/lbZBLEH8OXo?t=77 On a related note, Yoriko's voice actor, Hisakawa Aya (久川 綾), also voices Rena Lanford (レナ・ランフォード), one of the main characters in this game.
"After this fight is over, I'm going to go live with three cute girls under one roof." (15:57)
This is referencing "Papa no Iu Koto wo Kikinasai!" (パパのいうことを聞きなさい!), "Listen to What Your Father Says!", a light novel series written by Matsu Tomohiro (松智洋) and published from 2009 and is currently ongoing. In the series, the main character, Segawa Yuuta (瀬川祐太), is asked to babysit his older sister's three daughters. Due to various circumstances, these three girls end up living with him. On a related note, an anime adaptation of "Papa no Iu Koto wo Kikinasai!" aired in 2012, and the voice actor who voices Yuuta in the anime adaptation, Hatano Wataru (羽多野渉), also voices Yoichi and Bast.S2 Additionally, one of the three daughters, Takanashi Miu (小鳥遊美羽), is voiced by Kitamura Eri (喜多村英梨), the voice actor who voices Mahiro.
"What kind of death flag is that?" (16:03)
"Shibou furagu" (死亡フラグ), "death flag", is a term that is used to describe something said or done by a fictional character that foreshadows that said character will die soon.
"Elementary schoolers are... the best!" (16:06)
The Japanese line is "Shougakusei ha... saikou da, ze!" (小学生は・・・最高だ、ぜ!). This is referencing a line said by Hasegawa Subaru (長谷川昴) in episode 3 of "RO-KYU-BU!" (ロウきゅーぶ!), "Basketball Club!", an anime series that aired in 2011.S1 His line goes, "Mattaku, shougakusei ha saikou da ze!" (まったく、小学生は最高だぜ!), which translates to "Geez, elementary schoolers are the best!".

The white creature in the bottom right corner is the Twitter profile picture of Aisora Manta (逢空万太), the author of the "Haiyore! Nyaruko-san" light novel series. Screen capture for reference:

The line at this time goes as follows:
「ったく。半端にうろうろするなら何もせずじっと見てなさいよ」This is referencing a line in the lyrics to "Action-ZERO", a song sung by Nakamura Yuuichi (中村優一) and Ootsuka Houchuu (大塚芳忠) and released in 2007. This song is a theme song used in "Kamen Rider Den-O" (仮面ライダー電王), a Japanese TV show about a masked super hero that aired from 2007 to 2008.S2 The original line goes as follows:
"Ttaku. Hanpa ni urouro suru nara nani mo sezu jitto mitenasai yo"
"Geez. If you're going to halfheartedly wander, then don't do anything and watch closely."
「半端にウロウロするなら 何もせずにじっと見てな」
"Hanpa ni urouro suru nara nani mo sezu ni jitto mitena"
"If you're going to halfheartedly wander, then don't do anything and watch closely"
"Are your thought patterns on the verge of short circuiting?!" (16:45)
The Japanese line is "Shikoukairo ha shooto sunzen desu ka?!" (思考回路はショート寸前ですか?!). This is referencing a line in the lyrics to "Muunraito Densetsu" (ムーンライト伝説), "Moonlight Legend", a song sung by DALI and released in 1992. This song is the opening theme song for "Bishoujo Senshi Seeraa Muun" (美少女戦士セーラームーン), "Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon", an anime series that aired from 1992 to 1993.S2 The original line goes, "Shikoukairo ha shooto sunzen" (思考回路はショート寸前), which translates to "My thought patterns are on the verge of short circuiting".
"As expected of a Foreign God born from my thoughts and feelings, it's an invincible robo trider G!" (17:08)
"Muteki robo toraidaa jii" (無敵ロボトライダーG), "invincible robo trider G", is referencing "Muteki Robo Toraidaa Jii Sebun" (無敵ロボ トライダーG7), "Invincible Robo Trider G7", an anime series that aired from 1980 to 1981.S2

The poses at this time are referencing those of Kamen Rider 1 from "Kamen Rider" (仮面ライダー), a Japanese TV show about a masked super hero that aired from 1971 to 1973. Images for reference:

These are the same poses done by Nyaruko in episode 1 of season 1 at 1:06.

The pose at this time is referencing "araburu taka no poozu" (荒ぶる鷹のポーズ), "pose of the wild hawk", done by Kamiyama Venus (神山ビーナス) in "Kamisama Kazoku" (神様家族), "God Family", a light novel series written by Kuwashima Yoshikazu (桑島由一) and published from 2003 to 2008. This pose also appears in episode 10 of the anime adaptation of this light novel series that aired in 2006. Image for reference:

This is the same poses done by Nyaruko in episode 1 of season 1 at 14:11.
At this time the Banshin repeatedly says, "Mahiro-san aishitemasu" (マヒロサンアイシテマス), which translates to "Mahiro I love you". This appears to be referencing a line said by Gyiyg (ギーグ) in "Mother 2 Giigu no Gyakushuu" (MOTHER2 ギーグの逆襲), "Mother 2 Gyiyg Strikes Back", a game released by Nintendo (任天堂) in 1994.S4 At one point during the last battle of the game, Gyiyg calls out the name of the main character, Ness (ネス), by repeatedly saying "Nesu-san" (ネスサン). Image for reference:

Source of image: https://legendsoflocalization.com/research-mother2-earthbound/59/

Nyaruko swipes her hand in front of her waist and a symbol appears. This is referencing Kamen Rider Den-O in "Kamen Rider Den-O" (仮面ライダー電王). When Kamen Rider Den-O transforms, he swipes a special handheld device known as the Rider Pass (ライダーパス) over his belt buckle. In addition, this is the symbol that appears over Nyaruko's waist.

This symbol is referencing the symbol that appears on Kamen Rider Den-O's belt buckle. Images for reference:

"This is the true climax! My space CQC certain kill technique, final version!" (18:00)
The Japanese line is "Shoushinshoumei no kuraimakkusu! Watashi no uchuu CQC hissatsu waza, fainaru baajon desu yo!" (正真正銘のクライマックス!私の宇宙CQC必殺技、ファイナルバージョンですよ!). This is referencing a line said by Momotarosu (モモタロス) in episode 49 of "Kamen Rider Den-O" (仮面ライダー電王).S2 His line goes, "Shoushinshoumei no kuraimakkusu! Hissatsu, ore no hissatsu waza, fainaru baajon!" (正真正銘のクライマックス!必殺!俺の必殺技!ファイナルバージョン!), which translates to "This is the true climax! Certain kill! My certain kill technique! Final version!".
"Take, this love!" (18:33)
The Japanese line is "Kurae, kono ai!" (喰らえ、この愛!). This is referencing a line said by Infinite Silhouette (無限シルエット) in episode 49 of "HEARTCATCH PRECURE!" (ハートキャッチプリキュア!), an anime series that aired from 2010 to 2011.S2 Her line goes, "Kurae, kono ai!" (くらえ、この愛!), which translates to "Take, this love!".

The logo of the store in the background sign is referencing 7-Eleven (セブン-イレブン), a chain of convenience stores founded in 1927 in the United States. The first 7-Eleven store was opened in Japan in 1973, and since then the chain has become very common in Japan. Image for reference:

Source of image: 7 Eleven located at 060-0062 Hokkaidou Sapporo Shi Chuuou Ku Minami 2 Jou Nishi 9 Choume 1-1, photograph by Y KAWASAKI
"I made it and filled it with plenty of love! Love!" (22:09)
The Japanese line is "Watashi ga aijou! Aijou! Tappuri komete tsukutta n desu yo" (私が愛情!愛情!たっぷり込めて作ったんですよ). This is referencing a line in the lyrics to "Koi Suru Otome no Katarushisu" (恋する乙女のカタルシス), "The Catharsis of a Maiden in Love", a song sung by LISP and released in 2010. This song is the ending theme song for "Haiyoru! Nyaruani Rimenbaa Mai Rabu (Kurafuto Sensei)" (這いよる! ニャルアニ リメンバー・マイ・ラブ (クラフト先生)), "Crawling! Nyaruani: Remember My Love (Craft)", an anime adaptation of "Haiyore! Nyaruko-san" that aired from 2010 to 2011. The original line goes, "Anata ha yuujou? Yuujou? Watashi ha aijou? Aijou? Futari ha joujou? Joujou?" (あなたは友情?友情?私は愛情?愛情?ふたりは上々?上々?), which translates to "You feel friendship? Friendship? I feel love? Love? The two of us are the best? The best?".
List of Sources:
S1. Comments on this post
S2. A post at Steman Blog (ステマブログ)
S3. A blog by servitors about Cthulhu Mythos inspired works (クトゥルー/クトゥルフ神話作品発掘記)
S4. Japanese Nyaruko References Wiki (這いよれ! ニャル子さん 元ネタwiki) - Nyaruko Light Novel Series Volume 11, Chapter 2
Thanks to everyone who contributed! This list wouldn't be nearly as long without you all. Well, this is the end. Thanks so much for reading! Let's meet again!
Last updated December 29, 2021