Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W Episode 9 References
(0:01 - 0:41)
This scene is similar to the beginning scene in episode 5 of "Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W" and reuses several references. Post for reference: https://nyaruref.github.io/nyaruko_w/nyaruko_w_episode_5.html

The outfit Cthune is wearing is based on the outfit worn by Cthugha (クトゥグア) in "Zanma Taisei Demonbein" (斬魔大聖デモンベイン), "Deus Machina Demonbane", a visual novel based on the Cthulhu Mythos that was released by Nitroplus (ニトロプラス) in 2003.S2 Image for reference:

In addition, this is the gun Cthune is holding.

This gun is based on the gun form of Cthugha in "Zanma Taisei Demonbein". Image for reference:

The sign on the building that appears here reads, "RARCO". This is referencing PARCO (パルコ), a chain of shopping centers in Japan. In particular, the building that appears here greatly resembles the Parco building in Sapporo, Japan.S1 Image for reference:

Source of image: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ファイル:SAPPORO_PARCO.jpg

"Yasaka household, I have returned!" (3:01)
The Japanese line is "Yasaka ke yo, watashi ha kaette kita!" (八坂家よ、私は帰ってきた!). This is referencing a line said by Anavel Gato (アナベル・ガトー) in episode 9 of "Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory" (機動戦士ガンダム0083 STARDUST MEMORY), an anime series released from 1991 to 1992.S1 His line goes, "Soromon yo, watashi ha kaette kita!" (ソロモンよ、私は帰ってきた!), which translates to "Solomon, I have returned!".
"The fire released during her Cross Fire Sequence is one trillion degrees!" (3:23)
There are two references here:
* "Kurosu Faia Shiikuensu" (クロスファイアシークエンス), "Cross Fire Sequence", is the name of the battle system in "WILD ARMS Advanced 3rd" (ワイルドアームズ アドヴァンスドサード), a video game released by Media.Vision (メディア・ビジョン) in 2002.S2
* "Icchoudo" (一兆度), "one trillion degrees", is referencing Zetton (ゼットン) from "Ultraman" (ウルトラマン), a Japanese TV show about a super hero from outer space that aired from 1966 to 1967.S2 Zetton is a monster that is said to be able to create "icchoudo no kakyuu" (一兆度の火球), "one trillion degrees fireball".

Nyaruko's fighting pose is referencing that of Ultraman from "Ultraman" (ウルトラマン), a Japanese TV show about a super hero from outer space that aired from 1966 to 1967. Image for reference:

"The coldness of her Aphoom-Zhah is negative one trillion degrees!" (3:32)
There are two references here:
* "Afuumu Zaa" (アフーム=ザー), "Aphoom-Zhah", is a creature classified as a Great Old One in the Cthulhu Mythos. In "The Acolyte of the Flame", a short story written by Lin Carter and first published in 1985, Aphoom-Zhah is described as, "a flame of utter and supra-arctic cold." In addition, Aphoom-Zhah is said to be related to Cthugha.
* "Mainasu Icchoudo" (マイナス一兆度), "negative one trillion degrees", is referencing Ragu O Ragura (ラギュ・オ・ラギュラ) from "WILD ARMS" (ワイルドアームズ), a video game series that first began release in 1996.S2 In "WILD ARMS 2nd IGNITION" (ワイルドアームズ セカンドイグニッション), a video game released in 1999, Ragu O Ragura is able to use an attack called "Icchoudo" (1000000000000度), "One Trillion Degrees". Image for reference:

Source of image: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaxtnwH4ilU
In "WILD ARMS the Vth Vanguard" (ワイルドアームズ ザ フィフスヴァンガード), a video game released in 2006, Ragu O Ragura is able to use an attack called "1000000000000°C" and an attack called "-1000000000000°C". Images for reference:

Source of image: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdxC6zkrqss
On a related note, Ragu O Ragura is based on the above mentioned Zetton from "Ultraman".
The line at this time goes as follows:
「クー音チョップはパンチ力、クー音キックは破壊力、クー音アイなら透視力、クー音カッターは・・・」This is referencing lines in the lyrics to "Debiruman no Uta" (デビルマンのうた), "Devilman's Song", a song sung by Toda Keizou (十田敬三) and released in 1972. This song is the opening theme song for "Devilman" (デビルマン), an anime series that aired from 1972 to 1973.S1 The original lines go as follows:
"Kuune choppu ha panchiryoku, Kuune kikku ha hakairyoku, Kuune ai nara toushiryoku, kuune kattaa ha..."
"Cthune chop has punching power, Cthune kick has destructive power, Cthune eye has clairvoyant powers, Cthune cutter..."
「デビルチョップは パンチ力」
「デビルキックは はかい力」
"Debiru choppu ha panchiryoku"
"Debiru kikku ha hakairyoku"
"Debiru ai nara toushiryoku"
"Debiru kattaa ha iwa kudaku"
"Devil chop has punching power"
"Devil kick has destructive power"
"Devil eye has clairvoyant powers"
"Devil cutter smashes boulders"

The title of this episode is "Haisukuuru obu za Hiito" (ハイスクール・オブ・ザ・ヒート), which translates to "Highschool of the Heat". This is referencing "Gakuen Mokushiroku HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD" (学園黙示録 HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD), "Apocalyptic Academy Highschool of the Dead", a manga series written by Satou Daisuke (佐藤大輔) and published starting from 2006.

"My evil god radar!" (4:43)
Nyaruko's "jashin reedaa" (邪神レーダー), "evil god radar", is referencing Kitarou (鬼太郎) from "GeGeGe no Kitarou" (ゲゲゲの鬼太郎), a manga series written by Mizuki Shigeru (水木しげる) and first published from 1960 to 1969. In the series Kitarou has an ability called "Yokai Antena" (妖怪アンテナ) that uses his hair to detect youkai or spiritual activity. When Kitarou's hair detects activity a strand of his hair sticks up.
"Seiya!" (4:46)
At this time and various other times throughout this episode, Nyaruko says, "Seiya!" (せいや!). This phrase doesn't have any specific meaning, but rather it's a sound made when exerting effort. This phrase is often said by Kamen Rider OOO when he performs a finishing technique in "Kamen Rider OOO" (仮面ライダーオーズ), a Japanese TV show about a masked super hero that aired from 2010 to 2011.S1
The card game that Tamao and Yoichi are playing is referencing a two player card game called "E Card" (Eカード) that appeared in "Tobaku Mokushiroku Kaiji" (賭博黙示録カイジ), "Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji", a manga series written by Fukumoto Nobuyuki (福本伸行) and published from 1996 to 1999.S2 The text on Tamamo's card reads 「奴隷」 (Dorei), "Slave". The text on Yoichi's card reads 「皇帝」 (Koutei), "Emperor". These cards are both used in E Card, although the card designs here are different from the original designs. The backs of the cards also have the letter "F" printed on them, referencing the original name "E Card". Warning, the rest of this explanation contains significant spoilers. This scene and the accompanying lines are referencing when Itou Kaiji (伊藤開司), the main character of "Tobaku Mokushiroku Kaiji", plays a high stakes game of E Card with Tonegawa Yukio (利根川幸雄). Tamao and Yoichi's lines in this scene go as follows:
珠緒: 「奴隷は二度刺す、だよ、余市君。」The original lines in chapters 133 and 134 in volume 12 of "Tobaku Mokushiroku Kaiji" go as follows:
余市: 「バカな!ど、どうして奴隷!?入れ替えたんじゃ、なかったのか!?」
珠緒: 「気づいたさ。あんたは賢い!」
Tamao: "Dorei ha nido sasu, da yo, Yoichi-kun."
Yoichi: "Baka na! Do, doushite dorei!? Irekaeta n ja, nakatta no ka!?"
Tamao: "Kizuita sa. Anta ha kashikoi!"
Tamao: "The slave strikes a second time, Yoichi."
Yoichi: "Impossible! Why, why is it the slave!? You didn't switch them!?"
Tamao: "You realized it. You're clever!"
ナレーション: 「奴隷は・・・・・・・・二度刺すっ・・・・・!」Additionally, Tamao is holding a towel to her right ear. This is referencing how during the course of the game, Kaiji is driven to cut off his left ear, and he holds a towel over where his left ear used to be in order to stop the bleeding. Lastly, when Tamao flips her slave card over to the back side, a small stain can be seen in the upper right corner of the card. This is referencing the slave card that Kaiji plays in chapter 133, and how the card has a small red blood stain on its back side.
利根川: 「バカなっ・・・・・・!どうして奴隷っ・・・・!?」
利根川: 「す・・・・・・すり替えたんじゃないのかっ・・・・・・・・!?」
開司: 「気付くさ・・・・・・・・優秀なんだから・・・・・・!」
Nareeshon: "Dorei ha........ nido sasu.....!"
Tonegawa: "Baka na......! Doushite dorei....!?"
Tonegawa: "Su...... Surikaeta n ja nai no ka........!?"
Kaiji: "Kizuku sa........ Yuushuu nan da kara......!"
Narration: "The slave........ strikes a second time.....!"
Tonegawa: "Impossible......! Why is it the slave....!?"
Tonegawa: "You...... You didn't switch them........!?"
Kaiji: "You would realize it........ Because you're exceptional......!"
"So this is that heat woman's instigation after all?" (6:11)
The term "Ano hiito no onna" (あのヒートの女), "that heat woman", is the same term Nyaruko used to refer to Cthune in episode 6 at 16:53. This appears to be referencing "Kamen Raidaa W FOREVER A to Z / Unmei no Gaia Memori" (仮面ライダーW FOREVER AtoZ/運命のガイアメモリ), "Kamen Rider W FOREVER A to Z / The Gaia Memories of Fate", a movie released in 2010. In the movie, one of the main characters, Hidari Shoutarou (左翔太郎), refers to one of the antagonists, Hanehara Reika (羽原レイカ), as "Ano hiito no onna" (あのヒートの女), which translates to "That Heat woman".

The text reads "Nureru!" (濡れるッ!), which translates to "I'm wet!". This is referencing the same line said by Busujima Saeko (毒島冴子) in chapter 17 of volume 4 of "Gakuen Mokushiroku HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD" (学園黙示録 HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD), "Apocalyptic Academy Highschool of the Dead". She also says this line in episode 9 of the anime adaptation of this series, which aired in 2010. Images for reference:

"At this rate, the Earth, the Earth will be in a big pinch! That fire woman!" (7:06)
The Japanese line is "Kono mama ja, chikyuu ga chikyuu ga dai pinchi desu yo! Ano faiyaauuman!" (このままじゃ、地球が地球が大ピンチですよ!あのファイヤーウーマン!). This is referencing a line in the lyrics to "Faiyaaman" (ファイヤーマン), "Fireman", a song sung by Shimon Masato (子門真人) and released in 1973. This song is the opening theme song for "Faiyaaman" (ファイヤーマン), "Fireman", a Japanese live-action TV show that aired in 1973. The original line goes, "chikyuu ga chikyuu ga dai pinchi" (地球が地球が大ピンチ), which translates to "The Earth, the Earth is in a big pinch".
"If she's trying to lure our school days to the other side of sorrow, then I'll fight until I crush her!" (8:06)
The phrases "school days" and "kanashimi no mukou he" (悲しみの向こうへ), "to the other side of sorrow", are referencing "Kanashimi no Mukou he" (悲しみの向こうへ), "To the Other Side of Sorrow", a song sung by Itou Kanako (いとうかなこ) and released in 2005. This song is the ending theme song used during the bad end of "School Days" (スクールデイズ), a visual novel released by 0verflow in 2005.S2

There are two references here:
* The Japanese text reads, "Zetsubou ga omae no gooru da!" (絶望がお前のゴールだ!), which translates to "Despair is your goal!". This is a catch phrase said by Kamen Rider Accel (仮面ライダーアクセル) in "Kamen Rider W" (仮面ライダーW), a Japanese TV show about a masked super hero that aired from 2009 to 2010.
* Shantakkun does a ramming attack while covered in flames. This is referencing Kamen Rider Accel in "Kamen Rider W" (仮面ライダーW).S1 In episode 46, Kamen Rider Accel combines with the HardTurbuler (ハードタービュラー), a flying vehicle, to become AccelTurbuler (アクセルタービュラー). He uses a finishing attack called AccelTurbuler Phoenix (アクセルタービュラーフェニックス), which is a ramming attack while covered in flames. In addition, when he uses this attack, he says the above mentioned catch phrase.
"My Space CQC! Space CQC! Space CQC super chaos trilogy!" (8:35)
The Japanese line is "Watashi no Uchuu CQC! Uchuu CQC! Uchuu CQC chou konton torirojii!" (私の宇宙CQC!宇宙CQC!宇宙CQC超・混沌・トリロジー!). This is referencing "Kamen Raidaa x Kamen Raidaa x Kamen Raidaa THE MOVIE Chou Den Ou Torirojii" (仮面ライダー×仮面ライダー×仮面ライダー THE MOVIE 超・電王トリロジー), "Kamen Rider x Kamen Rider x Kamen Rider THE MOVIE: Super Den-O Trilogy", a series of three films released in 2010.S1

The sword the Nyaruko wields in this scene is referencing the Medajaribur (メダジャリバー) from "Kamen Rider OOO" (仮面ライダーオーズ). The Medajaribur is a sword used by Kamen Rider OOO. Image for reference:

Source of image: http://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/ooo/rider/medajaribur.html

In this scene, Nyaruko does a diving kick through three colored rings. This is referencing Kamen Rider OOO from "Kamen Rider OOO" (仮面ライダーオーズ). One of Kamen Rider OOO's finishing techniques is his Tatoba Kick (タトバキック). To perform this technique, Kamen Rider OOO jumps up high and then does a diving kick through three colored rings. Image for reference:

Nyaruko's pose is referencing Kamen Rider OOO from "Kamen Rider OOO" (仮面ライダーオーズ). The three colored rings of light that appear are also referencing Kamen Rider OOO, whose belt lights up with three colored rings when it activates. Images for reference:

"Agent Clark Ashton Smith. Agent Smith for short." (9:47)
There are two references here:
* This character's name is referencing Clark Ashton Smith, an American author who wrote many Cthulhu Mythos stories.
* Agent Smith is the name of a character that appears in "The Matrix", an American movie released in 1999.

The barrier that Agent Smith projects in this scene resembles the "Absolute Terror Field", also known as "AT Field" (A.T.フィールド). The AT Field is a powerful barrier that appears in "Neon Genesis Evangelion" (新世紀エヴァンゲリオン), an anime series that aired from 1995 to 1996. Image for reference:

"It broke?!" (10:08)
The Japanese line is "Oreta?!" (折れた?!). This appears to be referencing a line said by Kamen Rider Ryuki in episode 1 of "Kamen Rider Ryuki" (仮面ライダー龍騎), a Japanese TV show about a masked super hero that aired from 2002 to 2003.S2 When Kamen Rider Ryuki attempts to attack a monster with his sword, his sword breaks upon hitting the monster, and he says, "Oreta!" (折れた!), which translates to "It broke!".

"Haameehaameehaa!" (10:23)
The Japanese line is "Haameehaameehaa!" (はーめーはーめーはー!). This is referencing "Kamehameha" (かめはめ波), "Turtle Destruction Wave", a fictional technique that allows one to shoot a beam of energy from one's hands. When using the technique, the user says "Kaameehaameehaa!" (かーめーはーめー波ー!). This technique originates from "Dragon Ball" (ドラゴンボール), a manga series written by Toriyama Akira (鳥山明) and published from 1984 to 1995.

There are four references here:
* Hasta's pose is referencing a pose done by Kamen Rider Wizard in "Kamen Rider Wizard" (仮面ライダーウィザード), a Japanese TV show about a masked super hero that aired from 2012 and is currently ongoing. Images for reference:

Source of image: http://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/wizard/sphone/
* Nyaruko's pose is referencing a pose done by Uchuu Keiji Gyaban type G (宇宙刑事ギャバンtypeG) in "Uchuu Keiji Gyaban THE MOVIE" (宇宙刑事ギャバン THE MOVIE) "Space Sheriff Gavan: The Movie", a movie released in 2012.S1 Image for reference:

Source of image: http://www.gavan.jp/
* Cthuko's pose is referencing a pose done by Kyouryuu Red (キョウリュウレッド) in "Juuden Sentai Kyouryuujaa" (獣電戦隊キョウリュウジャー), "Electric Beast Squadron Kyouryuujaa", a Japanese TV show about a squadron of costumed super heroes that aired from 2013 and is currently ongoing.S1 Image for reference:

* All three poses are referencing "Kamen Raidaa x Suupaa Sentai x Uchuu Keiji Suupaa Hiiro Taisen Zeddo" (仮面ライダー×スーパー戦隊×宇宙刑事 スーパーヒーロー大戦Z), "Kamen Rider x Super Squadron x Space Sheriff Super Hero War Z", a movie released in 2013 that includes characters from "Kamen Rider Wizard", "Uchuu Keiji Gyaban THE MOVIE", and "Juuden Sentai Kyouryuujaa".S1
"It's a dimension that returns the actions and wills of enemies who carry out violence to zero." (10:51)
The Japanese line is "Bouryoku wo okonau aite no dousa ya ishi no chikara wo zero ni modosu kuukan desu" (暴力を行う相手の動作や意思の力をゼロに戻す空間です). This is referencing an ability of Gold Experience Requiem (ゴールド・エクスペリエンス・レクイエム) in "Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken" (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険), "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure", a manga series written by Araki Hirohiko (荒木飛呂彦) and published starting from 1987. A description of this ability goes as follows:
攻撃してくる相手の動作や意志の力を全て「ゼロ」に戻してしまう。Image for reference:
Kougeki shite kuru aite no dousa ya ishi no chikara wo subete "zero" ni modoshite shimau.
Return the actions and wills of attacking enemies to "zero".

"No matter what ability is attempted, it will absolutely never reach reality." (10:56)
The Japanese line is "Donna nouryoku wo motou to, zettai ni shinjitsu ni toutatsu suru koto ha arimasen" (どんな能力を持とうと、絶対に真実に到達する事はありません). This is referencing a line said by Gold Experience Requiem (ゴールド・エクスペリエンス・レクイエム) in chapter 587 in volume 63 of "Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken" (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険), "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure". The original line goes as follows:
実際ニ起コル『真実』に到達スルコトハ、決シテナイ!ワタシの前ニ立ツ者ハドンナ能力ヲ持トート絶対ニ!行クコトハナイ。コレガ、『ゴールド・E・レクイエム』Image for reference:
Jissai ni okoru "shinjitsu" ni toutatsu suru koto ha kesshite nai! Watashi no mae ni tatsu mono ha donna nouryoku wo motoo to, zettai ni! Iku koto ha nai. Kore ga, "Goorudo Ekusuperiensu Rekuiemu"
It will never reach actually occurring "reality"! No matter what ability is attempted by anyone who stands before me, that ability will absolutely! Not occur. This is, "Gold Experience Requiem"

Cthuko's pose is referencing a pose done by Kamen Rider Wizard in "Kamen Rider Wizard" (仮面ライダーウィザード). Image for reference:

Source of image: http://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/wizard/sphone/

This scene is referencing the opening animation sequence of "Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ" (機動戦士ガンダムZZ), an anime series that aired from 1986 to 1987.S1 Images for reference:

"It doesn't make sense!" (11:54)
The Japanese line is "Wake ga wakaranai yo!" (わけがわからないよ!). This is referencing a line said by Kyuubee (キュゥべえ) in episode 6 of "Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika" (魔法少女まどか☆マギカ), "Magical Girl Madoka Magica", an anime series that aired in 2011.S2 The original line goes, "Wake ga wakaranai yo" (わけがわからないよ), which translates to "It doesn't make sense".
"Mahiro, you won't mind if I defeat that, right?" (14:16)
The Japanese line is "Mahiro-san, betsu ni are wo taoshite shimatte mo kamawanai no deshou?" (真尋さん、別にあれを倒してしまっても構わないのでしょう?). This is referencing a line said by Archer (アーチャー) in "Fate/stay night" (フェイト/ステイナイト), a visual novel released by TYPE-MOON in 2004.S2 His line goes as follows.
「ああ。時間を稼ぐのはいいが———Image for reference:
"Aa. Jikan wo kasegu no ha ii ga———
Betsu ni, are wo taoshite shimatte mo kamawan no darou?"
"Ah. Buying you time is fine but———
You won't mind if I defeat that, right?".

"Nyaruko, you are number one!" (14:23)
The Japanese line is "Nyaruko, omae ga nanbaa wan da!" (ニャル子、お前がナンバーワンだ!). This is referencing a line said by Vegeta (ベジータ) in chapter 510 in "Dragon Ball" (ドラゴンボール), a manga series written by Toriyama Akira (鳥山明) and published from 1984 to 1995.S2 His line goes, "Ganbare Kakarotto... Omae ga nanbaa wan da!!" (がんばれカカロット・・・おまえがナンバー1だ!!), which translates to "Do your best Kakarot... You are number one!!". Image for reference:

"Roger!" (14:26)
The Japanese line is "Raasa!" (ラーサ!). This term is used to mean "ryoukai" (了解), which translates to "roger" or "understood". This is referencing the use of this term in "Uchuu no Kishi Tekkaman Bureedo" (宇宙の騎士テッカマンブレード), "Space Knight Tekkaman Blade", an anime series that aired from 1992 to 1993.S2
"I'll first say this, I'm rather powerful." (14:28)
The Japanese line is, "Saisho ni itte okimasu ga, watashi ha kaanaari tsuyoi desu yo" (最初に言っておきますが、私はかーなーり強いですよ). This is referencing a catch phrase said by Kamen Rider Zeronosu (仮面ライダーゼロノス) in "Kamen Rider Den-O" (仮面ライダー電王), a Japanese TV show about a masked super hero that aired from 2007 to 2008. His line goes, "Saisho ni itte oku. Ore ha kaanaari, tsuyoi!" (最初に言っておく。俺はかーなーり、強い!), which translates to "I'll first say this. I'm rather powerful!".

"Your back is stained." (15:35)
The Japanese line is "Anta, senaka ga susuketemasu yo" (あンた、背中が煤けてますよ). This is referencing a catch phrase said by Ryuu (竜) in "Maajan Hishou Den Naki no Ryuu" (麻雀飛翔伝 哭きの竜), "The Flying Mahjong Legend: The Crying Dragon", a manga series written by Noujou Junichi (能條純一) and published from 1985 to 1990.S1 His line goes, "Anta senaka ga susuketeru ze" (あンた背中が煤けてるぜ), which has the same meaning as above. In addition, Nyaruko's pose is also mimicking that of Ryuu when he says this line. Image for reference:

Mahiro's pose in this scene is referencing a pose done by Fabulous Fitzkarald (素晴らしきヒィッツカラルド) in episode 6 of "Jaianto Robo THE ANIMATION -Chikyuu ga Seishi Suru Hi" (ジャイアントロボ THE ANIMATION -地球が静止する日), "GIANT ROBO THE ANIMATION -THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL", an anime series released from 1992 to 1998.S2 Image for reference:

"Sagoozo!" (16:18)
"Sagoozo" (サゴーゾ) is referencing the Sagoozo Combo (サゴーゾコンボ) form of Kamen Rider OOO in "Kamen Rider OOO" (仮面ライダーオーズ).S1

There are three references here:
* The game device Cthune is holding up is based on the PlayStation Portable (プレイステーション・ポータブル), a handheld video game console released by Sony (ソニー) in 2004. Image for reference:

Source of image: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sony-PSP-1000-Body.png
* The game shown on the screen is the same game that appeared in episode 6 at 13:40. The title of the game is "Dagomon Waarudo -Re:Digitize-" (ダゴモンワールド-Re:Digitize-), "Dagomon World -Re:Digitize-". This is referencing "DIGIMON WORLD Re:Digitize" (デジモンワールド リ:デジタイズ), a game released for the PlayStation Portable in 2012.
* Dagomon (ダゴモン) is the name of a creature that appears in "Digimon Adventure 02" (デジモンアドベンチャー02), an anime series that aired from 2000 to 2001. On a related note, Dagomon itself is based on the Cthulhu Mythos. It first appears in episode 13 of "Digimon Adventure 02", and the title of this episode is "Dagomon no Yobigoe" (ダゴモンの呼び声), which translates to "The Call of Dagomon". This is referencing "Kuturufu no Yobigoe" (クトゥルフの呼び声), "The Call of Cthulhu", a short story written by H. P. Lovecraft and first published in 1928. Also, the appearance of Dagomon in the series is based on Cthulhu, and its name is based on Dagon, a sea dwelling creature and a servant of Cthulhu.

The maid that appears here is based on Tekeri (テケリ) from "Uchi no Meido ha Futeikei" (うちのメイドは不定形), "My Maid is Amorphous", a Cthulhu Mythos inspired light novel written by Shizukawa Tassou (静川龍宗) and published in 2010. Images for reference:

"What do you think of this! Isn't it amazing! It's 'Tekeri'! It's a legendary monster that isn't sold anywhere except in the Ninagawa Ward of Japan on Earth!" (18:15)
This is also referencing Tekeri from "Uchi no Meido ha Futeikei" (うちのメイドは不定形), "My Maid is Amorphous". In the light novel, Tekeri is a shoggoth from the Cthulhu Mythos. In "At the Mountains of Madness", a story written by H. P. Lovecraft and first published in 1931, a shoggoth is described to be "a shapeless congeries of protoplasmic bubbles". This is why Tekeri is described as "futeikei" (不定形), "amorphous", in the title. Her name is based on "Tekeli-li", a phrase shoggoths are known to endlessly repeat in the Cthulhu Mythos. Ninagawa-ku (蜷川区), Ninagawa Ward, is the name of the fictional city that is the setting of this light novel.

"On top of that, 19 millimeters to the right of that zygomaticofacial foramen!" (20:53)
The zygomaticofacial foramen is a small opening located on the high cheekbone in human skull.
The Japanese line is "Shikamo, ano, kyoukotsuganmenkou migi juukyuu miri ni!" (しかも、あの、頬骨顔面孔右19mmに!). This is referencing a line said by Ishida Ryuuken (石田竜弦) in chapter 226 in volume 26 of "BLEACH" (ブリーチ), a manga series written by Kubo Tite (久保帯人) and published from 2001 and is currently ongoing.S2 His line goes as follows.
「・・・精神と肉体を極限まで削り・・・その状態で心臓の洞房結節右19mmに霊弓の一撃を受ける・・・」Image for reference:
"... Seishin to nikutai wo kyokugen made kezuri... Sono joutai de shinzou no douboukessetsu migi juukyuu mirimeetoru ni reikyuu no ichigeki wo ukeru..."
"... Chip away at the mind and body until their utmost limits... While in that state, be hit by a single spirit arrow 19 millimeters to the right of the sinoatrial node of the heart..."

"Ahaha... Earth burns... Everything will disappear! Aha, ahahahaha..." (21:03)
The Japanese line is "Ahaha... Chikyuu ga moeru yo... Subete ga kiete yuku! Aha, ahahahaha..." (あはは・・・地球が燃えるよ・・・すべてが消えてゆく!あは、あはははは・・・). This is referencing a line said by Crux Dogatie (クラックス・ドゥガチ) in chapter 5 in volume 6 of "Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam" (機動戦士クロスボーン・ガンダム), a manga series written by Tomino Yoshiyuki (富野由悠季) and published from 1994 to 1997.S2 His line goes as follows.
「ふはははは・・・見ろ!ち・・・地球が燃えるぞ・・・すべてが消えてゆく ふ ふはは・・・あはははは・・・」Image for reference:
"Fuhahahaha... Miro! Chi... Chikyuu ga moeru zo... Subete ga kiete yuku. Fu, fuhaha... Ahahahaha..."
"Fuhahahaha... Look! E... Earth burns... Everything will disappear... Fu, fuhaha... Ahahahaha..."

"Give me a kiss! An all out kiss!" (22:13)
The Japanese line is "Beeze wo! Isshinfuran no beeze wo!" (ベーゼを!一心不乱のベーゼを!). This is referencing a line said by the Major (少佐) in chapter 27 in volume 4 of "HELLSING" (ヘルシング), a manga series written by Hirano Kouta (平野耕太) and published from 1997 to 2009.S2 His line goes, "Dai sensou wo!! Isshinfuran no dai sensou wo !!" (大戦争を!!一心不乱の大戦争を!!), which translates to "We will wage a massive war! An all out massive war!". Image for reference:

"Sun attack!" (24:13)
The Japanese line is "San atakku!" (サンアタック!). This is referencing "Muteki Koujin Daitaan Surii" (無敵鋼人ダイターン3), "Invincible Steel Man Daitarn 3", an anime series that aired from 1978 to 1979.S2 In the series, Daitarn 3 is a solar-powered super robot, and one of its special techniques is called "San Atakku" (サンアタック), which translates to "Sun Attack".
"Evading Mahiro's counterattack, Jet Stream Attack!" (24:18)
The phrase "Jetto Sutoriimu Atakku" (ジェットストリームアタック), "Jet Stream Attack", is referencing "Mobile Suit Gundam" (機動戦士ガンダム), an anime series that aired from 1979 to 1980.S2 In the series, there is a group of pilots known as "Kuroi Sanrensei" (黒い三連星), the "Black Tri-Stars", who use an attack formation called "Jetto Sutoriimu Atakku" (ジェットストリームアタック), which translates to "Jet Stream Attack".
List of Sources:
S1. Comments on this post
S2. A post at Steman Blog (ステマブログ)
S3. A blog by servitors about Cthulhu Mythos inspired works (クトゥルー/クトゥルフ神話作品発掘記)
Thanks to everyone who contributed! This list wouldn't be nearly as long without you all. See you next episode!
Last updated December 4, 2021