
Hey all. I'm lig0schndr, but you can call me liger. This website is dedicated to finding and showing all of the many references in the show Haiyore! Nyaruko-san (這いよれ! ニャル子さん), an anime series that aired in the Spring of 2012. There are so many references in this show and it's a lot of fun when you get them. I feel the enjoyment of the show is severely hampered when you don't, though, so I made this website to point out as many as possible. I hope you all enjoy the posts! Sorry if I stated any inaccuracies. If you could correct me if there are any I'd appreciate it! Also, please don't hesitate to comment if you know a reference I haven't found! I'll try and cite references I didn't find on my own when possible. I definitely don't have enough knowledge of anime or Japanese culture to catch all of them, and I haven't read any Lovecraft books so all of those references are completely lost on me. Lastly, here is a Japanese wiki site I found that has some info about references in the novel, show, etc: Well, without further ado,


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