
Hey all, lig0schndr here.

"Haiyore! Nyaruko-san" has come to an end and blogging about it has been an amazing experience. I really want to thank everyone for making this blog successful. I couldn't have made it this far without everyone's support. I really appreciate everyone who visited the site, spread info about the site, and contributed information about references. Thank you all so much.

I especially want to thank Steman and servitors for collecting so many references from "Haiyore! Nyaruko-san" and explaining them on their blogs. Steman's blog has a great deal of information with good explanations. servitors' blog has a lot of Cthulhu Mythos related information and is very detailed. I learned so much from reading their blogs and most of the information on my site I originally read on their sites. Thanks so much. Also, thanks to the users at the "Haiyore! Nyaruko-san Moto Neta Wiki" (這いよれ! ニャル子さん 元ネタwiki). The wiki is a great source of information, as well. I also want to thank convexity. He was the first person I knew who also wrote very detailed posts about the references in "Haiyore! Nyaruko-san". His blog served as an inspiration for me, and he really helped me out with translating things and giving his opinion on references.

I hope that this blog is a useful source of information about the references and parodies in "Haiyore! Nyaruko-san". I spent a lot of time researching each reference and I tried my best to be as objective, accurate, and correct as possible when reporting references. I tried to include every possible reference while at the same time only including references that had a high level of certainty of being a reference. I hope that all the information is clear and easy to understand. If there is any reference that I missed or anything that needs correction, please point it out to me and I'll address it as soon as possible. Thanks!

Everyone, thanks so much for reading. Let's meet again!



「這いよれ!ニャル子さん」が終わりました。このブログはすごい経験でした。皆さんに本当に感謝しています。皆さんがいなかったら、このブログは絶対にうまく行きません。皆さんが私のブログに訪問したり、私を応援したり、サイトとかで私のブログを紹介したり、元ネタを私に教えたりしてくださって、本当に感 謝しています。どうもありがとうございました。

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